Cob Ribbon

Cobs – Hearts
Ribbons – Metallic spools in 3mm, 5mm, 10mm, and 13mm
Cobs Metallic Red, Rose Gold and Wine 20 meters
Cobs Metallic Antique Gold, Silver and Gold 20 meters
Cobs Metallic Light Pink, Cerise and Purple 20 meters
Cobs Metallic Nile, Green and Hunters Green 20 meters
Cobs Metallic Light Blue, Turquoise and Royal Blue 20 meters
Cobs Metallic Copper, Brown and Black 20 meters
Cobs – Tartan Red Green Gold
Cobs Plain Aqua, Emerald and Hunters Green 20 meters
Cobs Plain Light Blue, Turquoise Medium and Royal Blue 20 meters
Cobs Plain Yellow Light, Yellow Bright and Gold 20 meters
Cobs Plain Red Bright, Cyclamin and Red Dark 20 meters
Cobs Plain Light Pink, Cerise Azelea and Lavender 20 meters
Cobs Plain Coral, Apricot and Orange 20 meters
Cobs Plain White, Eggshell and Silver 20 meters
Cobs Plain Salmon, Brown and Wine 20 meters
Cobs Plain Purple, Black and Nile Green 20 meters
Cobs Plain Navy and Turquoise Bright 20 meters
Cobs Hologram Green 20 meters
Cobs Hologram Red 20 meters